Soul Telegram: Movies & Meaning

Hi there - Thanks for being here. Soul Telegram: Movies & Meaning is a labour of joy for us: Kathleen Norris - poet, essayist, and author of The Cloister Walk and other beloved books and Gareth Higgins - storyteller, essayist, community convenor, and author of How Not to be Afraid. Our friendship was born in the context of watching and talking about movies that aspire to help us reflect on our lives; we appreciate each other’s perspective - Gareth thinks Kathleen is one of the wisest writers on how everyday life is sacred, and how to take that life seriously without taking ourselves too seriously. Kathleen loves Gareth’s immersive storytelling and his commitment to reflecting on the power of story to shape our lives. And we both like talking about movies a lot!

We started Soul Telegram: Movies & Meaning in early 2021 as a way of sharing with friends about our cinematic experiences. We cherish seeing movies on huge screens as part of a shared community; and we’re grateful that thousands of films are available to watch at home, instantly.

Navigating a World of Infinite Content

But of course we live in a world of infinite content - so it can be difficult, even overwhelming to decide what to watch. And when we watch something that provokes emotion, challenge, inspiration or confusion, we might want a space to reflect on what it might all mean.

Soul Telegram: Movies & Meaning is here to help. We have a simple purpose: to help people find the most life-giving movies, and to write about them as a way of reflecting on the meaning of our lives. Most weeks one we’ll post an essay from Kathleen or Gareth about a specific film, director, or genre; there’ll also be bonus posts about other things we’re thinking about - of course we love books and music and the outdoors and community, and we’ll share thoughts about those as well. From time to time we’ll host online conversations, and there may even be some in-person events too.

So we’re glad you’re here - your subscription supports our writing and the ongoing conversation about beauty, purpose, and being that cinema at its best is nurturing too. (And we want to make this work available to anyone, regardless of ability to pay - so if you can’t afford the subscription amount, just contact us and we’ll arrange a free subscription.) We’re grateful, and look forward to sharing Soul Telegram: Movies & Meaning together.


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Subscribe to Kathleen Norris & Gareth Higgins - Soul Telegram

Two beloved storytellers invite you to an expanded horizon.


Two beloved storytellers invite you to an expanded horizon. Story, image, music, and possibility... Together we’re nurturing an online community of people who want to receive the gift of cinematic medicine, and to share it with others.